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been watching Courage with my partners and its so good still

@destroy by default the limit is around 500 characters, which is already soooo much nicer but i wanted it longer. 2500 feels like plenty of space i love it

@roundtit well, youve got plenty of character space here to do so! there is no explicit "on-topic" its just social media, share what interests you

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marxist/anarchist discourse 

few things drive me as crazy as marxists and anarchists referring to the other when talking about historical events. the only way to do so is to completely flatten the events and the groups of radicals to the point of lying

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From the head of Sovereignty, which bursts from the living ways of communities as the iron rule of law, outpours the substance of Providence.

And here is the first body of the Worldeater!

The Sovereign as the anarchic figure of law-creation and maintenance, who holds within him the power to suspend the law, on the basis of the law. Law as tradition turned mechanical. As a History of Ways is solidified into rigid organs and muscles, with rigid logics that correspond to the will of no man, but instead correspond to the substance of Providence.

The Sovereign creates logics out of living activity through its army and police operations, by punishing and removing those who do not conform to its demanded logics, by removing the possibility for living life to be done to any satisfaction separate from it... By determining the world as something made to be administered. By Providence.

@f00fc7c8 holy shit, i underestimated the fediverse; i would be curious to know the load on your instance this is causing

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@airidescence i feel this so hard. i'm hoping to push myself further into "incomprehensible, wandering mystic deer"


From the head of Sovereignty, which bursts from the living ways of communities as the iron rule of law, outpours the substance of Providence.

And here is the first body of the Worldeater!

The Sovereign as the anarchic figure of law-creation and maintenance, who holds within him the power to suspend the law, on the basis of the law. Law as tradition turned mechanical. As a History of Ways is solidified into rigid organs and muscles, with rigid logics that correspond to the will of no man, but instead correspond to the substance of Providence.

The Sovereign creates logics out of living activity through its army and police operations, by punishing and removing those who do not conform to its demanded logics, by removing the possibility for living life to be done to any satisfaction separate from it... By determining the world as something made to be administered. By Providence.

@liaizon i really hope it becomes practice to get ahead of this before it happens. we know the strengths and weaknesses of certain centralizations we are forced into. taking the pressure off of a single instance and encouraging more users to protect themselves via their own instances, backups, etc...

prison abolition 

it doesn't matter whether or not prisons "work" (and oh let's be careful never to define work as anything other than "criminals are stopped from committing more crimes")

It matters that today, our prisons, in our societies, are designed as part of a mega-machine of apparatuses with the goal of killing every way of life so life itself has no form. And in its formless, primeval muck, Labor becomes malleable, directable. It pumps us through its circuitry, to give it life.

We deserve to determine for ourselves the form of our lives.

philosophy; time, form-of-life, monks, for context on the stuff i was reading, here's the agamben piece, its called The Highest Poverty and the stuff on the monastery time-coordination is pretty early, the water clock is brought up on page 15

philosophy; time, form-of-life, monks, uhhhhh no, what's that? (all of what i'm saying here is stuff i was writing about for the past few months after reading agamben/deleuze/marx/bataille together)

@Sophia no, i'm not sure what that is, i'm unfamiliar, but i'll definitely look into it.

but i definitely already believe that unified time is to make the activity of people legible so that it can be calculated and regulated and coordinated as abstractly as possible.

philosophy; time, form-of-life, monks, 

Monasteries understood this. They knowingly produced their own time for the purposes of coordination between the work of the many monks. And they produced it in a variety of fashions. Sometimes there was a sundial to count the hours in un-regulated fashion, changing with the seasons. Others were to be in prayer at all times, knowing the length of the prayer and the time the prayer took to get through to constantly be keeping time with one another. Others installed complex water clocks to begin to count the hours in regular fashion, with an "objective" outside measurement...

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philosophy; time, form-of-life 

The State is a form-of-life, and it, too, produces its own time. We see this through the creation and distribution of clocks, regulated and scalable intervals. This is just a development of its earliest methods of limb-coordination.

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A small congregation of exiles.